Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: KOG participation

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

KOG participation

"God has a special place for the poor. The poor are where God lives. God is in the slums, in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house. God is where the opportunity is lost and lives are shattered. God is with the mother who has infected her child with a virus that will take both their lives. God is under the rubble in the crys we hear during war time. God is with the poor and God is with us if we are with them."

from a speech Bono made to the NAACP recently.

It is one thing for guys like Jurgen Moltmann to understand the KOG better than I do. After all they have been at it for who knows how long. The problem for me is that the pagan rock stars seem to be getting better than I do too.

Rats!!! I'll have to work through this.


Deidre said...

How's parent life going Josh? Hopefully Roy is sleeping well for you guys! In the midst of those sleepless nights, just remember, the sleep gets better...then you have another baby!!! Sorry. ;) He's adorable Josh.

Anonymous said...

Jurgen Moltmann citing. Moltmann, its theology. Hooray, theology!

Redstrip commercials are amazing.

Glad you finally got your Roy!

greenISgood said...

When I saw this speech on YouTube I was duly moved. And funny thing, I thought of you as I do whenever I hear a U2 song (or Bono preaching).

What what, Roy! Little Man Mister Cool!

Mrs. Carn-Dog said...


he sleeps very well I think. He's only gotten up for 2 or 3 half hour slots the last couple of nights.

Honestly I think I expected the absolute worst and so my attitude has been, "this isn't that bad."

keep T-hawk real for me.

Anonymous said...

"Roy is so cute" -Sam
"I love your new baby, Roy" -Judah
"Roy is so cute, I want to keep him" -Ellie
"I like your new baby, and when are you coming to our house so we can see him. Please do it soon"
"When are you going to come over with Roy?" -Noah
Josh and Linds,
He is beautiful, hope you are surviving the new baby phase. Sounds like you are doing great.