Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments

Monday, March 12, 2007

Dear new daylight savings time,

I got up about ten minutes ago to get ready for work. It is dark out. I find the new you depressing. You are like December without the anticipation of the 25th.



Anonymous said...

Daylight "saving", no "s"

Shea Butta said...

hey josh josh, what is your address?

Mrs. Carn-Dog said...


I'll send it to you via e-mail.

Craig said...

Damn daylight savings made me late for work this morning. I never realized how much I go by the sun to keep my internal clock in check.

Craig said...

I'll go ahead and make this post my home base for bitching about how bad daylight savings is screwing me up.

Daylight savings is screwing me up. I was late for work and groggy all day. I got home and my internal clock told me I should go to bed. Fell asleep reading @ 8:30, woke up at 10:00. Now it's almost 11:00 and I'm wide awake, which doesn't bode well for tomorrow.