Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: A Closing thought for this fine Friday evening

Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Closing thought for this fine Friday evening

I've been reading Kafka with my leisure time lately. He's got me thinking about secular existentialism and its relationship to what we have come to tag postmodernism. I've read somewhere (can't remember) that some have picked the holocaust as the defining moment marking the beginning of postmodernism because it characterized the ultimate act of humanity's crime against itself.

This is the dark side of this concept that never shows up in books like McLaren's.

I've got an analogy. In Walk the Line, there is a seen when Cash walks into the woods and passes out. It's the part where the movie plays the Waylon Jennings song. From what I gather, the movie is trying to synthesize and opitomize Cash's current condition. Passed out in the middle of no where. That is kind of where modernism's overly optimistic hope in self got us. To this place where, with all our jazz, we were passed out in the middle of no where.

Maybe there will be a nice house to buy just over the hill where we can recover from this disease.

1 comment:

Candace Shaw said...

That reminds me of a quote from mitch hedberg. If you find yourself lost in the woods, build a house. Then you are no longer lost, you live there. You have severely improved your predicament. :)