Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: A Bloggin Nightmare

Friday, April 07, 2006

A Bloggin Nightmare

I regret to inform ya'll of two losses in the bloggin world.

If you've haven't already noticed two my links have been removed.

Shea 'livin' the dream' Butter


Ryan 'Dream Weaver' Weaver have both called it bloggin quits.

Ryan officially deleted his xanga site and Shea was overheard commenting "Well, I may not delete mine, but I'm not going to write anymore."

When asked what the future may hold Weaver commented,
"We'll see. I've got some interests in doing some beat poetry stuff for the emo magazine 'Post-Post foundationalism'. I'm also talking with a scout from Dublin Pub Loungers." For you American folk the Dublin Pub loungers are the N.L. frisbee team that proudly boasts a 2005 regular season N.L. pennant title.

When Butter was asked the same question

he responded, "my girlfriend and I are talking with some local Egyptians about doing a restaurant in Cairo. I've also inquired with the good Methodist school, Duke, about possibly doing Ph.D. work on "livin the dream in a post-religious, social, feminist society."

Both Butter and Weaver were bloggers for less than a year.

P.S. notice my crafty tie between the title which contains the word 'nightmare' and the word 'dream' that is affiliated with both bloggers.

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