Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: Grrr....

Thursday, February 22, 2007


The only way the whole thing could have been any cheesier is if Meredith would have been awoken from her deep slumber by a kiss from Prince Derrick, and the camera would have ended with the seven dwarfs (led by Doc of course) rejoicing.


Craig said...

I agree.

Shortly after she died and came back to life, she's spooning with Derrick?

Candace Shaw said...

yeah, although honestly I can say I needed some happy endings in my life. I'm glad she's alive but seriously boo on Grey's for thinking they can show the "afterlife" without being cheesy!

Money Minding Mama said...

I kind of liked it. I didn't want her to die. I sort of like cheese though. I'm from Wisconsin you know.