Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I’ve never been one for New Years resolutions, but I have made two. The first is to wear my seatbelt every time I get into my car. For some of you this is like “yeah, well duh,” and I wish it was for me too, that is why it is a resolution. I remember our high school band teacher (pertinent side note: I was not in band, I was too cool for that sort of thing) mentioning that if you do something 30 times it becomes a habit. I hope so.

Secondly, and very un-uniquely I’m going to try and eat healthier in hopes of loosing a few pounds. Because I’m a park ranger most of you know that I have the luxury of exercising substantially 4 times a week on my mountain bike. Turns out that depleted metabolism levels renders that not enough. I’ve half-heartedly tried this in the past, without much success, but I need to change my eating habits. My method is baby steps since I love most of the food I eat and am fairly routine at it.

So far…

Step one- one bowl cereal in the morning instead of two. Success

Step two- switch to skim milk…I can’t really tell the difference anyway. Success

Step three- this is tricky--Blair Browning tells me that by merely switching from a regular to diet soda he was able to drop a good amount of weight. Conversely, my co-worker/ranger Lanny tells me his health experts he reads say they would rather have him drinking regular soda because of its comparative lack of chemicals. My compromise has been to stick with regular Coke, but shoot for only one a day. Kind of success

Step four- Alcoholic beverages on the weekends only or on special occasions. Success for both my health and checking account☺. Success

Step five- fruit and vegetable—mostly carrots and bananas—for lunch every day to fill up on instead of other sides like cookies and chips. Success

Step six- this is going to be my next step. I’m going to try and switch from my usual sugar cereals Cpt. Crunch and Coco Pebbles, to a healthier brand/fiber based crappy tasting cereal. I’m also going to buy some raspberries to put on the top. I’ve seen that in the commercials.

Do you have any suggestions that could be small steps for me, while not entirely turning me into someone who can only eat crappy food?


Anonymous said...

Two suggestions...

In addition to the carrots and bananas, add some nuts (preferable almonds or walnuts.) They're good for you and also filling.

The second suggestion is going to expose how geriatric I am. Try Cracklin' Oat Bran. I used to watch my grandparents eat this stuff and thought it must be comprised of hay and cow dung. But it's actually very good. It may take a little acquisition, but it's worth it.

Erik said...

Josh, wish I had the fortitude to eat healthier and lose some weight too. I know you're probably incredulous at the idea that I'm overweight, but trust me, when I read the scale the other day and it was approaching 2 bills, I thought to myself, "Hey Leafblad, remember when you were an athlete?"

greenISgood said...

Healthy doesn't necessarily translate into "crappy" I have found. Lindsay made fun of me one time when she found my "Ezekiel 3:9" cereal in our pantry, which you can get in the "organic" section at the HEB (they make bread out of it too). She thought I was trying to be spiritual - Hey, wait a minute, WHY is that funny?

Anyway, the secret is 100% whole grain which fills you up faster and digests better than all the processed crap, and with a little splenda it's pretty damn good.

You and I share the same resolution, (better that I had an actual choice in the matter), so I applaud your decision.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that healthy food has to be crappy. By the way I love Cracklin' Oat Bran.

Anonymous said...

Carney, I will be keeping an eye on your lunches at our weekly upsilon beta chi meeting....

I like honey bunches of oats...its a good cereal!

Money Minding Mama said...

Is diet soda really bad for you?