Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: Christmas part 2

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas part 2

Part of the Christmas fun for a young adult is to make a trip home over Christmas break and check in with the few friends from either high school or youth group, that you have left in your small hometown of 3,500. Yesterday I made a trip to church (twice) and ran into my good friend Emily and her husband. In our conversation I learned that her husband Josh is now working in California as a director/producer. Natrually I asked him how things were going, to which he replied that he had produced some music videos for MTV. When I asked him who for he hesitatingly answered, “probably a band that you have never heard of…Arcade Fire.” I must confess that if I didn’t attend UBC, I probably wouldn’t have known who Arcade Fire was, but I do and I did. I responded with a good deal of enthusiasm and even hummed the chorus to my favorite and really only song I know.

Come to find out he was an original member of the band, and got out before they were got big. What’s funny though is this. Emily and Josh were married by my dad in our church. Several members of the band were not only in the wedding, but also played a few tunes for it, in our church. My dad a small town pastor in Northern Wisconsin had non idea and could care less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kyle would have freaked upon hearing this. He loved Arcade Fire.

Awaiting your return.