Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: Chirstmas part 1

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Chirstmas part 1

Tivo it turns out is a great tool for maximizing your holiday experience. The older I get the more important it is to me to slow life down to a pace that is able to recognize the intoxicating experience of Christmas. Part of this experience requires that I see the right season specials on T.V. This line up includes must sees such as Rudolph, Frosty, Mickey’s Christmas Carol and Charlie Brown’s Christmas. If I’m honest about this, what really matters is not so much these shows in and of themselves, but the connotations that are created when I view them. They take me back to a time that is retrospectively seen as perfect. A time when Christmas was more magical than David Copperfield and David Blaine.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing. I have to tell you about this last Monday though. Part of the Carney holiday experience includes a 1,000 piece Charles Wysocki jigsaw puzzle. So this last Monday, I made my way to Wal-mart, purchased the most comparable puzzle I could find and made myself a fine meal (Lindsay was away for the evening). I put on my Frank Sinatra Christmas album, plugged in the Christmas tree and worked on my puzzle for the next couple of hours. It was heaven interrupted only by the occasional trip to the kitchen to warm my mug of hot coco. This was not a nostalgic night, but rather a connotation creating night. Those don’t happen all the time. Some day I will look back with fond memory on the night where I sat in the cozy first home Lindsay and I purchased with great Christmas music playing, hot coco in hand and more holiday cheer than the laundry soap and I will long for those simple days in Waco.


Erik said...

My moment of nostalgia consisted of thinking about our days back in Heritage, our incessant cursing matches, and fake fighting at Navy Pier. I'm not sure why your post brought me to those moments, but nonetheless, they are special. Glad tidings my friend.

Erik said...

So Josh, which is the quarterback and which the receiver? Perhaps interchangeable? Sometime when we talk next make sure I don't forget to tell you the incredible moment during the ultrasound when my young son made sure he let me know he was boy. It was simply amazing. You won't believe me when I tell you.