Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: Providence for who?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Providence for who?

Today my niece turned three. To celebrate, her dad took her to breakfast, then the whole family went to eat a picnic at Como Zoo and to take a quick trip through to see the animals.

This evening they were heading to my brother-in-law’s sister’s house to celebrate Calla’s and another in-law’s birthday conjointly.

As they got ready to leave, my sister ran back downstairs to grab the girl’s swimsuits, delaying their departure by about a minute.

Coming to a stop somewhere around Washington Ave about a block away from the bridge that collapsed this evening traffic came to a halt. Strangely, cars began turning around and heading the wrong way.

Tonight my family offers earnest and heartfelt prayers for what seems to be the grace of God. And I wonder what the prayers are of those six families who have confirmed losses thus far.

1 comment:

Craig said...

Damn Josh. Since the television is still gone here at Che' McCarty, I didn't find out about this until late last night. My first thought was that you may have family in that area, then I dismissed it thinking, "what are the chances?"

Anyway, thinking about you and your family.