Yester afternoon I got home and found that in the mail I had received my diploma. It was curled up in a mailing tube ready to be put into a matt frame that would cost me $150 because it has the name Baylor on it, but which I probably won’t buy.
93 credit hours later I am finished. I get up each day without the impending reality of another project to be done or another book to be read. For the first time in 20 years I am free from academic tyranny.
I am officially master of the divine, so if anyone has any questions I’ll have the answers. Actually, I was thinking about this last night and realized that I’ve probably left seminary with more questions than I came in with. I wonder if that means the seminary did it’s job or if it means that it did not.
Well, it doesn’t seem to matter to me right now because this evening I will begin the second book that I’m not required to read since I’ve graduated. I think I’ll reread Kyle’s books and try and hear fresh what he has to say to me. Then after I feel like setting down the book I’ll watch t.v. without feeling guilty or perhaps I’ll find a house project to do. The best part is that it does not really matter.
Grace for today friends, grace for today.
P.S. I’ve often heard people talk about how they would “die to be back in school, because it is so much better than the work world.” Granted I love my current part time job, thus far I have found this hypothesis to be undoubtedly false. Though I absolutely loved my seminary education, I’ve decided with a little bit of diligence I can keep on learning by picking up a book here and there and being active in discussions with friends with similar backgrounds. The difference? No deadlines, papers, or pressure.
1 comment:
Congratulations, Josh!
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