Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: an hour till the madness begins

Sunday, March 16, 2008

an hour till the madness begins

In about one hour they will announce the pool of 64. I predict you will see Memphis, UCLA, Carolina and Kansas emerge as the one seeds pending a Kansas victory. It has been a good championship week for me. Of my four teams only one (Wisconsin) looks to claim a conference tourney title. They are up by 18 with four minutes to go. I'd love to see the badgers make some noise and win the whole deal, but I'm not sure they or anyone in the Big Ten has the depth to do it. I'm hoping by some miracle Baylor makes it in, but with a loss to a slumping Colorado team in the first round of the big 12 tourney things are looking bleak for the bears.

1 comment:

kdulm said...

How does it feel to be eliminated by a little North Carolina school?