Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: belated easter

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

belated easter

I didn’t write or say much anything about Easter and I feel bad. In college I used to casually suggest that all the churches in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area should rent out the Metrodome and celebrate Easter all week long because it is that big of a holiday.

Irenaeus has me thinking otherwise. The West’s version of atonement has a lot more to do with death and resurrection than say the entire resume of Jesus’ life. Not so in the theology of the East. For Athanasius and Irenaeus, Jesus entire life was critical for the participation of the community of God. Yes the person and work of Christ culminate in his faithfulness to and on the cross, but his redemptive work is substantiated by a life of righteous faithfulness to the will of God.

What does this mean for us Easter celebrators, only that Easter is all year long everyday. This Easter I didn’t reflect like I would have liked to, but there is much in my life that indicates newness and life among the craziness. For this I’m grateful to God.


greenISgood said...

How lucky are you two? Roy is the greatest egg ever! I love these pics. We're SO happy he's arrived.

David said...

There is a new Nooma by Rob Bell called "You" and it is very interesting because it talks a lot about the relationship between the life of Christ as needing to regain its influence in the midst of so many ancient religions that claimed similar "myths" as Christianity. It is rather provocative, as Rob seems to do, but the main idea is that in a pluralistic world one of the most powerful tools of evangelism is Christians realizing the nature of Christ's life and living it out for the world to see. He finishes the Nooma saying, "May you realize that in this world you are the good news to a dying world."

Money Minding Mama said...

Roy Franz Louis,
You look real good.
I like your style.
I wish I could give you a big hambone bit on the hinder, but you don't really have a hinder so instead I wish I could nibble on your chicken legs.
Auntie Well

Anonymous said...

I was reading your posts from Feb. and you said to remind you if you forgot to change the part of your profile that said you didn't have kids. So... here is the reminder.

amanda said...

hello cute baby! oh i can't wait to see him...

Anonymous said...

Carney: Here's a link you might find useful, GreenDiapers - Whodathunkit?

Deidre said...

Hey Josh...
Beautiful family! However took the pics did a great job, they're adorable!