I really hated Song of Solomon when I was growing up. Especially when girls in our youth group talked about being enamored by belonging to the groom. “Gag me” I thought to myself. Not only do I hate romance, but now the Bible is asking me to participate in this metaphorical relationship from the sappy/estrogen side.
Eventually I got married and this metaphor came alive for me. I was able to move beyond the literal level of the metaphor and move into an understanding of a wee bit deeper existential profoundness.
As for the other metaphor, well I guess I’m qualified to throw my noetic lot in the realm of comprehension on the Father/Son metaphor. As I was trying to fall asleep last night I was pondering this one. As my first fathers day came to a close I realized just how different God and I are. He sent His son to bear the sins of the world. I silently confessed to myself that I'd send the whole world to hell before I’d let my son be crucified unjustly.
Grace for now
Roy's present for me.
Roy and I in matching C.S. Lewis outfits. Nerdy professor cardigan, khakis, and a t-shirt. Notice our favorite Lewis works.
I'm with you on this one, brother.
From a female perspective:
You might be interested to know that the bride/bridegroom metaphor for God and his people creeped me out big time as a new Christian. Since I was a teenager, the thought of God being my husband/lover/etc just seemed like something perverse. Of course, I had a thoroughly un-transformed mind and I was seriously ignorant of the biblical revelation and knew little of Jesus himself. It didn't help that my relationship with my dad was pretty bad, too.
As I learned more and grew more in my personal discipleship, however, I adjusted to the metaphor. Now that I'm married to a truly wonderful husband, the idea of God as my bridegroom is a warm, comforting, and even natural image. I guess I have Ronnie to thank for that.
BTW: I love the matching CS Lewis garb. What a pair!
Grace and peace,
I have always appreciated your thoughtful perspective.
Good stuff about Father's Day. I love the outfits. Soren gave me the best present I could ask for. For about an hour or so, he just sat with me and smiled and "talked" the whole time. It was glorious. Then we went to BW-3 for wings. Marvelous.
BTW, how's the MN stuff coming?
I like the outfits.
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