Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: thanksgiving day thoughts

Thursday, November 23, 2006

thanksgiving day thoughts

I have two thoughts this evening.

I just looked at a friend’s facebook profile. I noticed that their religious views read: “bible.” I can’t tell you how much that personifies who she is. She is a dispensationalist who believes things, that for some reason, when I read them I get me very angry. I think if I’m honest I could care less what she really believes only the dogmatic attitudes that surround her belief.

On the Bible thing though. This is exactly why I find Karl Barth’s three-fold revelation so helpful. Jesus Christ, Bible, and the proclamation of the Gospel. Sometimes, especially in the western garbage of Scofield’s trash, we elevate the Bible above Jesus Christ himself. We would do well to remember that as sacred as the Bible is it is merely testimony to the true word of God, Jesus Christ.

The second thing. I watched the Family Stone last night, for I think the 3rd time. Each time I watch that movie I’m reminded of why it is one of my favorites. Last night among the many moments I made mental notes of, was the scene when the oldest sister is watching “Meet me in St. Louis.” I think the thematic move here is to symbolize that it is the last Stone family Christmas all together, much like it is the St. Louis’s family last Christmas. What really gets me is that amidst all the chaos, someone is noting that this may be the last Christmas they all have together. I feel like those are the moments in life that deserve a infinite pause. I feel like that same person in my own life. I note the moments over the holidays when I think to myself, “this could be the last when this reality is still present among us.” And then however awkwardly, I try to cherish the moment.

Happy Turkey Day!


lolly said...

hey josh, bet you didn't know i read your blog from time to time. well i do. i really enjoy your thoughts. i'm so happy for you two-soon to be three.
i thought i'd mention that, ha, i too watched the family stone last night. twice. i didn't much like it that much the first time, so i don't know why i watched it again. but it certainly grew on me.
-rachel h

Erik said...

Giving props to KB. Josh, I can't tell you how proud I am of you.