Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker (Mrs.) Carn-Dog's comments: A Hybrid

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Hybrid

Now that I've written this I'll offer a bit of a disclaimer. This post is mostly about my parents and I so if you think you'll be bored, then you're probably right. But I bet my family will like it:).

It's funny how we are different people in different settings. Recently I've come to terms with how I am in the home setting.

Undoubtedly, I look like my dad. Like my grandma and my dad, much to my wife's dismay, I will end up with the Carney jowls (don't worry dad, Lindsay thinks your a good looking guy). I share most if not all his mannerisms and my vocational interests have thus far led me to a similar place. So I must be him...Right? Not according the last two days of self discovery.

It turns out that in our home, I'm much more like my mom. Two days ago our chaplain meeting was with Baylor's Jim Marsh (most of UBCers may remember him coming to the hub to speak to us about dealing with grief). Anyhow, in our meeting he talked about panic attacks and its close cousin Severe Anxiety Disorder. I first became alarmed when he mentioned the type of things these people worried about, but when he described the symptoms and the process of the disease, I knew. My intuition was confirmed by his response to my question which as it turns you only know to ask if you've had some experience with this problem. It's not all bad though. I'm a better money manager and student because of it.

Today I discovered the positive side of my mothers genetic inheritance. Saturday I worked at UBC cutting trees and brush to help prepare for the new parking lot. As it turns out my two day dormant poison ivy showed up on Tuesday morning which warranted a trip to the doctors office. Disclaimer if you hate conceit, this is where I brag about myself. Well it turns out our scale is about 10 lbs. heavy. Not only that, my blood pressure is 117/73 and my heart rate is 48 beats a minute. Thanks mom.

The role Lindsay has to play at the house is probably close to my dad's. She is the level headed, easy going, voice of reason that often comments, "don't worry there is nothing you can do about it anyhow." She is the type of person that has the uncanny ability to fall asleep in two minutes cause she usually doesn't have a care in the world that would otherwise keep her up. I don't know if it goes with the personality, but like my dad, her love language is physical touch. That one is really tough for me. Cuddling is about as much fun as playing defense in any kind of sport...I'm just usually not interested. It's probably that I just don't have the time to cuddle, because I can't sit for more than five minutes due to my next project, be it homework, work, or the National Geographic channel..ooohhh that last one is a dad characteristic.

There is one place that I'm still exactly like my dad. Everywhere else besides my house (apartment). I like to think of myself as a bit of a ham. I try to be the center of attention and often get a little distraught if I'm not. I crack the corny jokes or are they carney jokes...see what I mean:). I seem like an extreme optimist and do a good job of mining people's personalities with a series of good questions. Thanks Dad.

I guess I am a bit of a hybrid. Maybe someday I'll post about how I'm the product of my three older siblings.


Craig said...

stuff like this is so interesting to read. we should all do more of it.

and next time i see you i'm going to give you a big bear hug.

greenISgood said...

...and yet, altogether, unequivocably, autonomous, unique, suffused with peaceable dignity - CARN-DAWG - The Hybrid.
(I too promise heretofore to start hugging you more.....)